SESAM’s objectives
Correct pricing
There are several regulatory frameworks that a laboratory infrastructure needs to consider in order to develop its pricing, such as state aid and competition regulations and the Fees Ordinance. In addition, different models are applied depending on the nature of use. All in all, it can be difficult and complex to develop correct pricing. In this project, we intend to develop models and practices to help universities and institutes adapt their pricing to different situations and increase transparency for external users on how the price is set.
Clear handling of confidentiality
Managing data and confidentiality issues in a secure and accurate way is important, both for the laboratory infrastructure host and users. There are regulations and conditions, such as the principle of public access to information and “professor’s privilege”, which can make this challenging, for example when drawing up contracts. The SESAM project will work on these issues and develop practices and recommendations.
Secure access
Occasionally people who are not employees of the laboratory infrastructure being rented need to be on site and use the equipment. In such cases, procedures are needed to manage the risks that may arise in relation to factors such as health and safety and insurance issues. The SESAM project will develop guidelines for this and share good examples of how these challenges have been overcome.