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SESAM logotyp

Project phases









The project is divided into six different work packages (WPs). The overlapping nature of the work packages allows for a flexible approach.

Work Package 1: Project Management

Time period: Entire project
Led by: Uppsala University

Work Package 1 includes coordination of the project activities and budget, and is led by Uppsala University. WP1 is responsible for coordinating major meetings and communication activities, as well as for reporting to the steering group and Vinnova, and for the final report of the project.

Time period: Jan 2022 – June 2023
Led by: Lund University

In Work Package 2, a structured mapping of the challenges and needs related to accessibility of laboratory infrastructures at Swedish HEIs and research institutes is carried out. WP2 is led by Lund University and is responsible for, inter alia, compiling a list of relevant lab infrastructures at participating parties and for mapping and identifying the needs and challenges of those who use or want to use these lab infrastructures.

If you work for Swedish laboratory infrastructures at Swedish HEIs and research institutes and would like to contribute to the mapping on accessibility you find the survey here.


Time period: July 2022 – December 2023
Led by: Stockholm University

Work Package 3 will review the legal and administrative issues related to making lab infrastructure available. WP3 is led by Stockholm University and is responsible for, inter alia, identifying forms of collaboration and developing solutions for obstacles that have been identified in WP2.

Time period: July 2022 – December 2023
Led by: RISE

Work Package 4 will develop recommendations related to supply and competition. The work package is led by RISE and aims to develop solutions and models that are both legally compliant and functional based on challenges identified in WP2.

Time period: July 2022 – December 2023
Led by: Lund University

Work Package 5 focuses on developing recommendations regarding risks, insurance, and health and safety. The work package is led by Lund University and aims to address situations where there is a change of operational staff between different organisations.

Time period: January 2023 – December 2024
Led by: Lund University

Work Package 6 is led by Lund University and will include efforts to raise awareness of the practices developed and to stimulate implementation of the recommendations. Packaging and communicating the results to different target groups is an important part of this work package.


  • Do you have questions or want to get in touch with us?

    Please contact Karin Önneby,
    Uppsala universitet

Visit us

Uppsala University is the host of SESAM

Innovation Hub, Uppsala Science Park
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 38,